Desiree de Angelise


Dancing has a rhythmic flowing movement offering beauty and harmony, important components for humanity's next step, celebrating the Return of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine. We owe it to ourselves and each other to recognize that the Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray offers each of us a way to have a clean slate for the 21st century! With the infusion of a higher, lighter energy on this planet many of us have been having experiences which either puzzle us or have patterns and steps which we all too clearly recognize as something which has haunted us through many lifetimes. Rather than continuing to be tripped up by these ancient patterns and steps we can learn to forgive ourselves and each other for ancient vows etc. and to release and bless the mis-aligned energy, having it transmuted, transformed and sent to the light.

Only aligned energy makes a new step possible. As we discover more at-one-ment we also find to our delight that ceremony, ritual, magic and celebration begin to enter our lives. Arising from that flower energy, we are now hearing and responding to a new music and melody with a flowing beauty and harmony accompanying our learning to dance the next step. Perhaps the newly found rose galaxies acknowledge and symbolize this.

Dancing the next step also reminds me of when I was studying philosophy in college and had my visionary/mystical experience in the light, including the image of the Garden of Eden with its trees of "good and evil"/ knowledge and that other tree, "the Tree of Life." My mystical experience seemed to point out that we needed to look at how we had gotten caught up in the analysis and forgotten the poem. We glimpse the holy, the whole when we go beyond polarities and dichotomies--either/or, good/evil etc. Aristotle offered "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," I think that is a major part of what celebration and the dance is about. And each of us has contributed to creating this whole, this next step, by being willing to experience all that we have on this planet and elsewhere.

From unconditional love to a sense of wholeness, of unity and getting beyond polarities is just a short step. Other steps we still need to learn and incorporate into our movements are discernment in our actions, no judging of ourselves or each other and forgiving "seventy times seven". We can really begin to move to the new music with new steps when we realize each of us is God in Expression.

When I learned about being "God in Expression," I especially wanted to be sure I was expressing the uniqueness of me. We offer our own unique expression when we honor all the gifts, talents and abilities given, including those returning from other lifetimes, and reach out sharing them. To me, God in Expression also includes the opportunity, especially in more aligned energy, to manifest our dreams. The dance is a graceful offering of beauty and harmony and something to which our hearts and souls resonate. Whatever vibration touches us be it a flower, a piece of sculpture, music, a poem, the sky, ocean, a song or a special person is a part of that special dance.

An unexpected celebratory evening is my example of Dancing the Next Step, and it includes roses. The fragrance and beauty of long-stemmed red roses--individually in the seats and in huge bouquets on the stage for the Tony Bennett concert--greeted me as I walked into the Gala Opening of the renovated auditorium in a small town in Wisconsin! Enjoying his music for years and aware of his paintings, it wasn't until receiving "Live in San Francisco," a PBS special, that I learned of his U.N. "Citizen of the World" honor and his involvement in creating a high school for the arts. Appreciating his upbeat music and with my new insights into him as a person, several years before I had expressed that he was someone I would really like to see. And now lo and behold there he was! I spent the evening in gratitude and joy, totally into the music and the Now. My focus, my present was being present on that special night. Since then I have had several opportunities to suggest and work with roses for Conferences by telling of my "rose evening" listening to Tony Bennett!

Dancing the next step offers moving in a new way to a joyously new tune. When your dreams manifest it may or may not be a Tony Bennett concert with roses, but it will be something to which your heart and soul resonate as you celebrate the next step.

Let's Dance!!